That's right ladies and gentlemen, I am willing to risk being taken out to a field and beaten by groups of rogue dieticians and scientists to give you the secret formula to six-pack abs. Why, might you ask would I do this? Well, unlike all the other health and wellness professionals in the world who are worried only about large wads of money, I actually care about you, the individual reading my blog, who I have never met. So are you ready? Here goes!
The secret to losing weight is: MOVE MORE. Look, there is no super-weight-loss food, or supplement or system. By way of example let's look at the Ancient Romans. To put this in historical context the Romans predate organic vegetables, personal trainers, insanely expensive workout DVD's and even Jane Fonda by a couple years. In ancient Rome you had basically three types of people: The mega wealthy, the soldiers, and the slaves/ gladiators. The mega wealthy spent most of their time sitting around eating, making laws, ordering executions and generally telling other people what to do. They, SURPRISE, tended to be overweight.
The soldiers spent most of their time running around Europe occupying villages and terrorizing the locals. I'm not sure if you realize it but Europe is a big place! Just walking from Rome to say, France can be a pretty good workout. And if you have to stop a few times along the way to pillage or fight a major military conflict with swords and axes we are talking about full scale workouts! As you can see, soldiering took a tremendous amount of energy and thus these people tended to look remarkably like Russell Crowe.
The slaves and gladiators did, well, pretty much everything else. They looked like slightly more aggressive versions of Russell Crowe.
The point here is, historically and, believe it or not it still holds true, people who move more tend to have less body fat. Now I am not endorsing conquering Europe as a plan for weight loss. What I am suggesting is, if you wish to lose weight, MOVE! And because most Roman Centurion Commanders have gone in to retirement, this is where a personal trainer might come in handy. He or she will give you ways to move which fit your lifestyle. If wielding a battle axe is not your style, maybe a program to start jogging or hiking is more your speed.
For more information on getting started on a fitness program that fits you, please visit or email We can design a program that fits your lifestyle, goals and abilities. Hope to see you soon and "Strength and Honor!"
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